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Members of the Kilvert Society are united by their appreciation of the remarkable Diary of Francis Kilvert (1840-1879). Membership brings the fellowship of the Society, the source of many lifelong friendships. We welcome to new members to join us.

Members receive the Journal twice a year in which is published new research about Kilvert, his life and his Victorian social world. Members are sent a mid -year newsletter and information about Society events and excursions. Our April weekend in Hereford includes the AGM, a seminar, an outing and the annual Dinner.

We explore places associated with the Diarist, including in Radnorshire and Herefordshire, his ‘Kilvert Country’. We also visit Wiltshire, the county of his birth, which features in much of the published Diary.

The full three-volume Kilvert’s Diary edited by William Plomer is available for sale from the Society. Boxed set in a slip case: price £60. Post free to UK members; £10 postage to UK non members. Postage rates overseas will vary.

The Society also published Who’s Who in Kilvert’s Diary, a companion volume for Diary readers. Price £10 + £4 p&p (£8 overseas) for members and non members.

The Society runs a postal lending library of pamphlets published in its 75 year history.

Publications enquiries via the Contacts page

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